소프트웨어 엔지니어
#개발자 #문제를해결하는 #소프트웨어엔지니어 #사이드프로젝트 #스타트업 #애자일개발
경력 ・ 5년 4개월
2023.01 ~ 2023.07
스킬: GraphQL, Node.js, Kotlin
- Enhanced FCP from 3 to 1 second by implementing Stale-While-Revalidate cache using SQS. - Led cross-team data exchange through the efficient Discovery Service. - Fostered team growth by organizing office hours, offline code reviews, and team-only Stack Overflow engagements.
2021.03 ~ 2023.01
스킬: GraphQL, Next.js, typescript, Node.js, React
- Migrate a react-router-based project with numerous pages to the company's new architecture powered by Next.js. - Pioneered the introduction of a new product category named One Point Class, contributing to the diversification of our product portfolio. - Engineered an i18n server using the cqrs pattern, facilitating a seamless global launch and automating the localization process for enhanced efficiency. - Fostered team development by implementing an on-call playbook, organizing tech seminars, and managing an "ask-anything" Slack channel to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration.
2020.10 ~ 2021.03
스킬: GraphQL, Next.js, typescript, Node.js, AWS, React
- Featured (IT 콘텐츠 미디어) - Travelkit (디지털 여행 상품)
2020.03 ~ 2020.10
스킬: GraphQL, Next.js, typescript, Node.js, React
- Signature cell, Subscription TF - Improved Signature Product Funnel - Building Subscription Products(Signature+, Money+, WEC, Libre, Kids)
2019.08 ~ 2020.03
스킬: typescript, Node.js
Ajou University(아주대학교) - 소프트웨어학과 학사
2019.01 ~ 2027.01
개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지
요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리