프로필 이미지


테크니컬 아티스트

베를린 소재 모바일 게임 기업에서 테크니컬 아티스트(TA, Technical Artist)로 근무 중입니다. 독일 근무 경험과 유럽 내 해외 취업을 준비했던 경험을 기반으로 게임 개발, 프로그래밍, 해외 취업, 영어, 테크니컬 아트 관련 경험을 공유하고 있습니다.







경력 ・ 8년 5개월

Wooga - Technical Artist

2022.01 ~ 현재

스킬: c#

셰이더 개발 - 포그(Fog) 셰이더 개발 파이프라인 개발 - 파이썬(Python)을 통한 블렌더(Blender) 도구 개발

Wooga - Engineer

2019.04 ~ 2022.01

Overview: Working on an unannounced title. Responsibilities: 1. UI programming 2. Gameplay programming 3. In-house tool programming

매버릭게임즈 - 게임 프로그래머

2015.08 ~ 2018.08

Overview: Developed Frontend features for casual RPG players in mobile and PC. Coded in all areas of game development to complete, ship, and live Fantasy Raiders. Game primarily coded in C#, and constructed in Unity. Responsibilities: 1. Team Play - Attended daily scrum everyday to share current task and obstacles in team - Participated in design and code reviews in regular basis in shared repository model using pull requests on GitHub - Shared any helpful tips, information, and recent changes on Unity and Steam with other employees and managers to get things done effectively 2. UI & Tool Programming - Developed 5+ Unity GUI modules following: - Map editor and level editor - Screen UI modules for equipment, inventory, and skill views - Animating sprite emoji system 3. AI Programming - Designed and implemented 20+ NPC's behaviors in FSM(Finite State Machine) including prioritized - treasure hunting and routing behaviors - Implemented 30+ skills for PC covering sneak and ranged attack - Converted FSM to Behaviour Tree system to reduce AI maintenance costs 4. Gameplay Programming - Designed and developed core gameplay modules: quest, treasure, and etc. - Created 40+ conditions and effects for NPCs and PC like burning effects - Implemented gameplay sequences: game start & over sequences, and etc. - Developed tile based map generation system 5. DevOps - Planned and executed global distribution on Steam - Automated Steam distribution using SteamPipe and Jenkins CI 6. Optimization - Reduced level loading time 20% by custom object pooling module 7. Debugging and Troubleshooting - Applied 7 major patches and bug fixes from release date - Tracked issues with version control system git, GitHub, and SourceTree

Solulink - Technical Writer

2014.01 ~ 2014.03

Overview: Translated a technical manual from Korean to English Responsibilities: 1. Translated a technical manual from Korean to English 2. Organize manual for the better readability


홍익대학교 - 예술학과

2007.03 ~ 2011.02


Ghost Detective - Software Engineer, Technical Artist

2019.04 ~ 2023.09


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