프로필 이미지



데이터 기반으로 업무 프로세스를 혁신하는 IT기획자 입니다. 항공사 데이터 시각화를 담당하다 큰 꿈을 꾸고 MBA를 진학했고, 오퍼레이션 컨설팅 업계에 있다가 현재 보험중개업계에서 IT를 담당하고 있습니다.


데이터 분석

프로젝트 매니징


Microsoft Excel

Power BI

경력 ・ 13년 1개월

라이나생명보험 - SI 기획

2024.10 ~ 현재

산업 분야: 금융 / 핀테크

LK보험중개 - SI 기획

2021.07 ~ 2024.10

산업 분야: 금융 / 핀테크

스킬: 문제 정의하기, 프로젝트 매니징

● Developing Mobile Application('claim taLK') for Employee Health Benefit Program - Deriving key requirements from Interviewing employees and researching competitors' applications - Sourcing proper app developers based on the key requirements - Checking the milestones and timeline to achieve the requirements - Adjusting internal voices not to expand the initial scope. ● Establishing Security and Compliance Monitoring Functions(with using Microsoft WIP, DLP) - Setting up the guidelines for security and compliance - Communicating with consultants for adequate security configuration on endpoint devices - Educating and supporting all the employees for the adaptation ● Introducing Contract Management System(with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and Power BI) - Analyzing existing documents to derive key indicators and templates for the contract management - Interviewing employees to get the work processes and deficiencies - Communicating with developers to design processes

삼정KPMG - Manager(디지털 혁신 컨설턴트)

2017.12 ~ 2021.06

● PLM(Project Lifecycle Management) Process Innovation - Designing the PPM system process, metrics, dashboards at CPG firm (5 months) ● Introducing Data Analysis & Machine Learning - A pilot project at CPG firm (2 months) as Acting PM ● Profitability and Strategic Diagnosis - KPI redesign project at a private club (2 months, PM) - Diagnosis for internal M&A at construction firm (2 months) - Market analysis for market penetration strategy at AMHS manufacturing firm (2 months, PM) ● Master data management - Master data re-design project at the broadcasting firm (3 months) ● Introducing RPA - A pilot project at a CPG firm (2 months) - A Pilot and succeeding projects at a cosmetic company(4 months) - A pilot project at a publishing company(2 months, acting PM)

대한항공 - Data Analytics & Visualization Specialist

2011.01 ~ 2016.12

1. Data Analytics & Visualization Specialist (2013.09 ~ 2017.12) ● Designing dashboards for different purpose on OBIEE – Drawing dashboards for beginners to check daily KPIs (about 20 pages) – Drawing dashboards for executives to monitor and report daily (about 20 pages) – Drawing early warning dashboards to distinguish fraud ticketing, agents (about 4 pages) ● Managing revenue database and designing new database – Checking conformity of sales data between before and after migration (over 300 mil. data) – Modifying logical structure according to the migrated sales data – Designing new database fit on different evaluation process for branches – Extracting and processing sales data with SQL to access the appliance(IBM Netezza) – Integrating and simplifying the process to upload data manually ● Lecturing how to use OBIEE – Publishing and distributing user manuals and FAQs to HQs and all the branches – Developing online and offline lectures for users – Instructing offline lectures for users (4+ times per year, both of Korean & English) 2. Route Analyst (2013.01 ~ 2013.09) ● Analyzing trend of flight sales to control controlling frequency and aircraft type for handling capacity ● Researching media related to destinations: Tourism trends, Activities of Competitors and Agents 3. Reservation and Ticketing Coordinator (2011.01 ~ 2013.01) ● Consulting fare regulations and pricing to travel agents ● Supervising newly hired coordinators according to the transferring service center to Kuala Lumpur


KAIST - 정보미디어MBA

2017.01 ~ 2018.02

학점: 4.01 / 4.30 ● Information Technology Strategy & Management, Business Analytics, e-Business Strategy, etc. Global fan analysis of BTS as a graduation project(on going, 570 thousand data) ● Studying data analysis, visualization with R in KDSG(KAIST Data Scientist Group)

연세대학교 - 경영학과 학사

2004.03 ~ 2011.02

학점: 3.64 / 4.30 Coursework includes: Strategic Management, Management Information Systems, Consumer Behavior Analysis, Relationship Marketing


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리