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디자인 리드

누구나 시각 언어를 이해하고 말할 수 있는 세상을 꿈꿉니다. 스스로 생각하고 자신만의 언어를 만들 수 있는 지침이 되는 나침반이 되길 바라며 글을 중심으로 블로그, 브런치, 뉴스레터를 운영하고 있습니다. #UX디자인 #UI디자인 #그래픽디자인 #디자이너


UX 디자인

UI 디자인

그래픽 디자인

사용자 조사


경력 ・ 18년 10개월

디자인 나침반 - Founder ceo

2014.05 ~ 현재

2022.06 ~ 2023.11

2019.05 ~ 2022.04

- Head of design strategy - Head of product design - Head of brand design - Coaching Product designers - Coaching Brand designers

- 프로덕트 디자이너

2018.08 ~ 2022.04

- Unified Search Product Experience Design - Wishlist Product Experience Design - Rent a car Product Experience Design - converse service oversea to domestic after COVID 19

- UI/UX Designer

2016.12 ~ 2018.07

Culturehero is a Food Contents Media that provides recipies. It has about 1.4 million subscriber through SNS such as youtube, kakaostory, instagram, Naver Band and facebook. With 300,000 downloads in 6 months, it won the Mobile of the Year award in July 2016. It kindly informs you of the detailed cooking process that anyone can easily make special dishes, and provides kitchenware and ingredients necessary for cooking. - Recipe page UI/UX design - Recipe Search UI/UX design - Commerce Search, Checkout UI/UX design - Build a product design system for web,iOS,Android Platform. - Build a brand design system that can be expanded to digital product environments and offline environments.

Lineable Inc. - UI/UX Designer

2014.05 ~ 2016.10

Lineable is a startup company which focues to uphold the value: Protect Our Kids Safely. Since the launch in 2014 through Indiegogo, we ponder about distinguishing our company to other product based companies. And we found an answer: Technology should be focused to solve social problem as priority. We blend the love of children to our company to create an empathy among all supporting users to support the same goal in protecting children. Lineable-Missing child prevention smart band - In charge of overseas crowdfunding platform Indiegogo funding campaign - Brand design with the message to protect children together - Different marketing designs to illustrate core values, how they work - Video design created to focus on core values without thinking of nationality - Parent/Child Smart Band Product UX Design - iOS/Android app UI/UX design - Collaboration design with various brands such as Angry Birds, LS Network, and Beanpole

프리랜서 - UX/UI 디자이너

2006.03 ~ 2014.03


홍익대학교 - 시각디자인 학사

2006.01 ~ 2013.01


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