프로필 이미지


성장 파트너, 크리에이터

인간의 성장을 돕는 사람입니다. ‘콘텐츠 포트폴리오'와 '습관 포트폴리오'를 개선해 유익한 콘텐츠를 만들고 싶어요. 대학원생, 토론강사, 번역가, 에디터, 기획자, 콘텐츠 디렉터 직무를 경험했습니다. #기획자 #끊임없이배우기 #독서 #도전적인



콘텐츠 기획

프로젝트 매니징

논리적 사고

경력 ・ 10년 5개월

알벗컴퍼니 - Growth Partner

2023.05 ~ 현재

- Create content related to personal growth and transformation - Contents are specifically focused on writing for growth, personal branding, career keywords, and etc. - Webinar, lecture, and talks related to personal growth and writing - Lead personal coaching sessions with clients

alookso - Content Editor

2022.02 ~ 2023.04

Ideate and produce media content focused on current affairs Manage external communication media such as newsletters Manage content acquisition from various sources Ideate and take part in various projects, campaigns, and challenges

언더독스 - 콘텐츠 디렉터

2021.10 ~ 2021.12

- Direct ContentsLab in Underdogs, largest social impact entrepreneurship education company in South Korea - Plan, produce, and market content for social impact entrepreneurs - Contents vary from text, video, and marketing campaigns - Develop original social impact curriculum - Develop original startup company workshop programs and related sets of education items such as problem-solving cards

큐레아 - 콘텐츠 에디터 및 기획자

2021.01 ~ 2021.07

- Developed plans for social studies education content platform and web service - Projects include social studies textbook curation, Coursera-type self-learning content, 'Concept Cards', and more. - Wrote the original storyline and character lineup for the education content brand - Worked with a designer to develop design concept

디베이트포올 - 시니어강사(토론과목)

2014.03 ~ 2022.02

- Worked as an instructor to a number of education projects - Subjects include debate, Model United Nations, SDGs, speech, presentation, and facilitation - Developed an online-learning module and class for MUN - Worked with Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Yonsei University, Gyonggi University, Gyonggido Yulgok Institute of Education, Rainbow Youth Center, Pukyong National University, Uiduk University, Korea Youth Work Agency, Osan city, and more.


아메리칸대학교 - 국제관계학 박사과정 수료

2015.01 ~ 2020.01

- Finished doctoral coursework in the Ph.D program - Passed the comprehensive exam(written and oral) - Gained knowledge of international affairs, especially security issues in East Asia - Developed strong analytical and writing skills

서울대학교 - 외교학과 석사

2013.01 ~ 2015.01

경희대학교 - 국제학과 학사

2006.01 ~ 2013.01

개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리