프로필 이미지


🎓 PhD | 🚀 AI & Data PM | 📊 Data Drive

👋 Hello! I'm an AI and Data Product Manager, where I combine my deep knowledge in AI and data science to drive innovation in fintech.





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프로젝트 매니징

경력 ・ 14년

- AI사업팀 | AI PM

2024.02 ~ 현재

스킬: 커뮤니케이션, 논리적 사고, 데이터 분석, 프로젝트 매니징, 머신 러닝, python, 문제 정의하기, 글쓰기

AI 사업 전략 및 서비스 기획 AI PM - 생애주기 및 품질 관리 등

- 데이터Biz 캠프 | AI and data PM

2023.01 ~ 2024.01

- 데이터 기반 고객 경험 분석과 제품 기획 - AI 및 데이터 모델의 제품화- 비지니스 인사이트 발굴을 위한 데이터 분석 - PM of AI-powered Fraud detection projects - 계좌번호 패턴 기반 금융기관 추천 모델 개발 - Fine-tuning of LLM for Dialogue Summarization - 딥러닝 모델 개발과 학술논문 작성

- 빅데이터분석 | 데이터프로덕트팀장

2020.11 ~ 2022.12

- 데이터 기반 신사업 발굴 - AI 및 데이터 모델의 제품화 - 비지니스 인사이트 발굴을 위한 데이터 분석 - 자금세탁방지 RegTech 프로덕트 관리 - 악성이체 탐지모델 개발 및 제품화 - FDS 및 전통사기 프로덕트 관리 - 카뱅 금융 네트워크 분석 - 로지스틱 기반의 Carrying Capacity 모델링 - 카카오뱅크, CSS로 '일' 낸 사연? (ZDNet, 2022/12/05)

- 빅데이터분석 | 금융분석 매니저

2020.06 ~ 2021.12

- Development of credit scoring system (2021년) - Fraud detection model to protect customers who buy products through flea markets (2020년) - Analyzing customers' preference between loan amount and interest rate when they made a decision among multiple loan offers (2020년) - Development of loan balance forecasting models (2020년)

- 빅데이터파트 | 데이터 사이언스 담당자

2019.07 ~ 2020.05

- Fraud and anomaly detection using machine learning and topological data analysis - Development of a family prediction model - Social and transaction network analysis

Yonsei University 연세대학교 - Research Professor

2019.03 ~ 2019.06

- Implementation of the controllability of complex network with Python and its application to brainnetwork analysis - Data crawling and cleansing from the raw gait analysis data stored in an Excel file for eachsubject, and identification of subgroups using community detection algorithm according to its gait patterns

Yonsei University 연세대학교 - Senior Researcher

2018.09 ~ 2019.02

- Connectome-based prediction model to estimate the human's three innate psychological need.

Philips - Clinical Scientist

2017.09 ~ 2018.08

- Visiting regularly luminary sites and support the customer’s requested MRI research - Development of medical imaging time-series data (i.e. 4D data) analysis software which includedbandpass-filtering, noise regression, network analysis, independent component analysis - Technical presentation of recent trends in medical imaging time-series data analysis at AsanMedical Center and Ewha University

Yonsei University 연세대학교 - Postdoctoral Fellowship

2016.03 ~ 2017.08

- Development of imaging-based ADHD diagnosis method using topological data analysis andhealthy state model - Development of prediction model for postoperative delirium using preoperative brain imagingdata and clinical scales

National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Daejeon - Technical Research Personnel (전문연구요원)

2011.10 ~ 2014.08

- Implementation of topological data analysis algorithm, and its application to medical imagingdata analysis - Implementation of complex network analysis algorithm to apply human brain network - Development of Twitter streaming data acquisition program using Python and MongoDB,development of social topic algorithm, and conducted geographic clustering analysis usingcomplex network analysis framework - Identification of personality subgroups and statistical analysis to reveal the differences offunctional network modular organization between the two groups.

The Belle Collaboration - Graduate Student Researcher

2007.01 ~ 2009.08

As a graduate student, I joined the Belle Collaboration. At that time, I actively joined weekly international video meeting. Throughout my graduate period, I performed data analysis which was collected by Belle detector. Using the 640 millions of B-Bbar pair datasets, I measured the branching ratio of the decay B0 -> rho0 K*0 and it was published in Physical Review D 80 051103 (2009).


연세대학교 - Neuroscience Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

2009.01 ~ 2016.01

Thesis title: Complex network analysis and topology-based data analysis for identifying risk factors of delirium

연세대학교 - Physics Master's Degree (M.S.)

2007.01 ~ 2009.01

· Data analysis and physics of B meson· Statistics and data mining· Programming and computing

연세대학교 - Physics Bachelor's Degree (B.S.)

2005.01 ~ 2007.01


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