실시간 및 시계열 데이터 파이프라이닝 & 시각화 개발자
Currently, Developing real-time and time-series data processing and visualization. Future ➡️ F# / Rust / Vue.js / web-graphics / PostgreSQL
경력 ・ 5년 4개월
2023.02 ~ 현재
스킬: 커뮤니케이션
컨텐츠 평론 위원회에 참여하여 개발자에게 더 유용한 포스트가 되도록 리뷰
2021.11 ~ 현재
- Small and medium-sized facility logistics visualization system and replay (playback) feature Angular Dotnet-Core C# Vue.js SVG PostgreSQL - Logistics System Healthcare System Infrastructure Setup Ubuntu LVM Docker Kafka TimescaleDB - Large-scale logistics system monitoring visualization Typescript Pixi.js Web-Component Web-Worker IndexedDB
2019.12 ~ 2021.03
- Developing a Site-Specific Community Center Operations System JS, React, Amazon S3 - Platform service response On-premises-to-cloud interworking message infrastructure construction Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel, AWS AmazonMQ, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Docker - Create back-office front for platform services Javascript, Typescript, React, AWS Cognito - Developed a community center reservation system for platform services AWS API Gateway, AWS S3, Typescript, Next.js, Javascript, Typescript, React Native
2019.01 ~ 2019.10
- Preparing to develop back-office front-end services with Vue.js - Plan to utilize Power BI in-house for ERP data analysis - Consideration of introducing issue management tools such as Jira and Redmine for internal task management - Reviewed the introduction of Salesforce Service Cloud for CS optimization - Reviewed the introduction of an electronic document management tool for ISO 13485-compliant medical product development document management
에리카 - 컴퓨터 학사
2013.03 ~ 2019.02
개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지
요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리