프로필 이미지


RSQUARE / CTO, Head of Information Technology

고객에게 새로운 가치를 줄 수 있는, 세상을 바꿀지도 모르는 제품을 만드는 것에 관심이 많습니다. 존경하는 인물은 이순신 장군, 좋아하는 동물은 호랑이, 좋아하는 마음가짐은 '盡人事待天命' 입니다.  ✉LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2HP9FZK


Product Management

프로젝트 매니징

서비스 기획

애자일 프로세스


경력 ・ 22년 2개월

- CTO, Head of Information Technology

2021.05 ~ 현재

산업 분야: 주거 / 부동산 / 프롭테크

스킬: 프로젝트 매니징, 서비스 기획, 리더십, python, Java, React, javascript, SQL, 데이터 분석, 애자일 프로세스, Figma, 프로덕트 디자인

- Managing PM / UX / SWE / QA / Sec team as a head of IT - Planning/Engineering/Operating products and technology •Data mining+management back-office solution •Data warehouse, pipeline, ETL •Data analytics solution •Brokerage business management solution •Customer resource management solution

- Principal Professional / Lead Product Manager

2018.02 ~ 2021.05

- Samsung Blockchain: Keystore, Wallet, Mobile Blockchain Platform - Private Share : Secure file sharing technology (introduced in Galaxy S21)

- Principal Software Engineer / Engineering Manager

2015.02 ~ 2018.02

- Samsung Marshmallow: Parental control service (like Google Family Link) - Samsung Music: Music streaming/on-demand service - Family Square: Family social service

- Senior Software Engineer / Technical Lead

2009.02 ~ 2015.02

- Samsung Papergarden: High definition digital magazine service with Adobe - Samsung Hub: Digital content store (like Google play) - Samsung Books: e-Book service (like Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks) - Samsung Learning: e-Learning service - Samsung Daily briefing, Weather Widget: News and information service

- Software Engineer

2003.02 ~ 2009.02

- XHT(eXpandable Home Theater): Multimedia streaming gateway - DMR(Digital Meeting Room): office solution, meeting management - Samsung electronics global web service: samsungmobile.com- XHT(eXpandable Home Theater): Multimedia streaming gateway - DMR(Digital Meeting Room): office solution... 더 보기


고려대학교 - 전자공학 - Computer network

2001.03 ~ 2003.02

고려대학교 - 전기전자전파공학

1996.03 ~ 2001.02


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