프로필 이미지


뉴욕 The Knot Worldwide 프로덕트 디자이너 / UX 강사

뉴욕의 테크업계에서 UX, 프로덕트 디자인 일을 하고 있습니다. 뉴욕에 오기 전에는 서울에서 UX기획자로 일을 했습니다. 한국과 미국에서의 UX디자인 경험과 쌓은 지식을 통해 강의를 하고 있습니다. 세 아이를 키우고 있고 교육과 음식에 관심이 많습니다.


데이터 분석

사용자 조사


서비스 기획

디자인 시스템

경력 ・ 16년

The Knot Worldwide - 시니어 프로덕트 디자이너

2017.06 ~ 현재

파티와 웨딩을 준비하는 사용자가 겪는 문제들을 해결하는 플래폼을 기획하고, 디자인하고, 사용자에 대해서 배우고 공감하는 유저 리서치 일을 하고 있습니다.

Amphora - Product Designer

2016.05 ~ 2017.01

• Lead designing user experience & visuals of AI based messaging platform for commodity traders • Produced user interface of iOS mobile/desktop app for end-user and admin portal for managing overall experience of the product

Cut and Dry - Co Founder

2016.03 ~ 2017.04

•Designed CUT&DRY, a space-saving kitchen platform for small kitchen sink. •Successfully fundraised at Kickstarter to launch CUT&DRY. •Currently in charge of all process of this project from designing to manufacturing.

School of Visual Arts - Graduate Teaching Assistant

2015.08 ~ 2017.04

Classes include Code Literacy, Smart Objects and Design Management

Pantech Wireless, Inc. - UX Designer

2011.01 ~ 2015.04

• Worked as a user researcher, UX designer and project manager for several Android applications including Calendar, Camera, Gallery and Weather in User Experience Design team. • Provided several seminars in the team to share UX trends and knowledge periodically. • Designed UI wireframes and coordinated with GUI designers and software engineers to create applications as a project manager.

IRIVER - UX Design Intern

2010.07 ~ 2010.08

•Summer internship at IRIVER, one of the representative mobile device manufacturer for their MP3 player and E-book device •Practiced trend researches, user researches and UI/UX design proposals for MP4 player.

Korean Augmentation to the United States Army(KATUSA) - Enlisted, Human Resources Staff Member

2006.10 ~ 2008.09

•Served as Human Resources Staff and was honorably retired as a Sergeant(E-5)


한동대학교 - Product Design / Visual Communication Design

2011.01 ~ 현재

•Studied Products Design, Visual Communication Design, and Management in order to have well-rounded perspectives on market, user and design at Handong Global University. •Deeply inspired by a statement that users make mistakes when designers do not design thoughtfully from Donald Norman and driven to learn about Human-Centered Design and User Experience Design along with Product and Graphic Design skill.

School of Visual Arts - Interaction Design Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

2015.01 ~ 2017.01

•Learned design and technology skills to better understand people in this world and provide them products or services that enrich their daily lives.


UX디자이너가 되기 위해 알아야할 기초 개념부터, 성장하기 위한 UX, UI디자인 원리, 커리어 설계 방법까지 담은 저서


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리