프로필 이미지


CSO/프로덕트 매니저/서비스 기획

프로덕트매니저 입니다. 디자인, 기술, 인간에 관심이 많습니다. #기획자 #독서 #문제를해결하는 #프로덕트매니저 #데이터분석 #그로스마인드셋 #끊임없이배우기 #브런치작가


데이터 분석

머신 러닝

UX 디자인



경력 ・ 16년 7개월

포커스미디어코리아 - CSO / CPO 겸직

2023.04 ~ 현재

- Product Manager

2019.11 ~ 2019.12

AI Voice bot, Hey Kakao planning

2019.11 ~ 2023.02

전) 클라우드서비스기획 팀장 - I built and led the cloud product management team and made a release system that was called PM1.0, PM2.0. - I focused on fast following global leaders and listed up minimum assets as a ‘Public platform’. - I led design and to implement all about the platform that includes standard IaaS, PaaS, fundamental business system (accounts, billing, API etc.), customer channel, and official brand website.

현대카드 - Digital Product Manager

2017.06 ~ 2019.10

- I designed and maintained a machine learning data-driven marketing tool which maximizes the effect of customer retention campaigns that are conducted by marketing managers. - I designed and managed a big data pipeline dashboard which focuses on data-consistency and improving data-quality. - I searched and experimented with the open source Auto-ML system to take advantage of low-code marketing.

네이버 해피빈 - Product Manager / 팀장

2009.09 ~ 2017.02

In this company, I had faced all of the product management roles and experiences which were not a clear concept at that time in Korea. I have achieved growth metrics of products in terms of scaling in this period. - I led the product management team for 4 years. - I designed and maintained 10+ products to activate the digital fundraising market. They made 15 billion won a year in circulation that were contributed to 2,000+ non-profits. - I created and managed fundraising products successfully: each product received about 150~200% growth of revenue every year for 3 years. - I designed and implemented digital marketing campaigns in collaborative TV programs under a strategy to deliver brand-experience for users. - I analyzed data from daily to annual with the AARRR frame. I categorized user cohorts from analyzing contextual activities in products and channels.

이모션 - 기획

2007.07 ~ 2009.08

- SKT branding website - K-bank online banking website - Renault Samsung Motors email marketing - Nike branding website localizing


이화여자대학교 - 언론홍보영상 학사

2002.03 ~ 2007.02


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리