프로필 이미지


Photofactory CEO & 포토그래퍼

우리 프로젝트는 1인기업 정신을 지닌 작가들의 도전의 기회를 제공합니다. 우리는 창의적이고 독특한 아이디어를 가진 작가들을 모아 협업하여 새로운 시각으로 세상을 바라보고자 합니다. 이 프로젝트는 작지만 강인한 개인들의 열정과 도전의식을 통해 새로운 가능성을 모색합니다.


Adobe Photoshop

논리적 사고

프로젝트 매니징



경력 ・ 9년 11개월

BWNK - 지사장

2024.08 ~ 2024.08

산업 분야: 광고 / 마케팅

스킬: 논리적 사고

플레이원컴패니 - 마케팅 이사

2024.01 ~ 2024.01

스킬: 커뮤니케이션

- Marketting to Market - Customer support

제이윈홀딩스 - 이사

2018.01 ~ 2023.12

스킬: Adobe Photoshop, 콘텐츠 기획


Astreya Inc - Equipment Maintenunce Technition

2015.03 ~ 2015.04

- Technical Support user request by ticket based. - New Hire roll out system (Apple MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, Mac Pro server, other Apple Product, Lenovo X1, HP Z40, Z400 Workstation, Monitor other hardware equipment setup for user) - Inventory and asset management conference room preventative maintenance and e-recycling. - Workstation setup for Google Campus Seoul. - Report to the Team Lead periodically on team and individual work. - Inventory asset check is top priority of job. - Conference Room AV system maintenance and performance test daily schedule. - Travllers mobile phone support service. - Moreover technical support normal proceeders

Shinwon CNR - IT Technical Support

2006.12 ~ 2007.03

- Technical Support Customer Support (Foreigner Financial Company Citibank, BNP & Paribas Group, ABN Amro Securities & Bank, Daiwa Securities Group) - Daiwa Securities Group Inc Re-Modeling Network - Technical Support to ABN Amro Bank BCP DR Project. - BNP & Paribas Group System Maintenance. - Recruiting Service for Client Company Citibank

ABN AMRO Asia Limited Seoul Branch - WCS Information Technology/IT Consultant

2006.08 ~ 2006.12

- Application Troubleshoot for dealing room user support. Support Application : Kosmos, Royal Blue Fidessa, Base21, Bloomberg - Bloomberg User Support. (Hardware & Application installation for user system) - User support (OS & Application installation and all system maintenance) Support Application : E-Mail Client Lotus Notes, with Windows XP, SAP, Each Department Applications installation and troubleshoot within OS Windows XP. - Join ABN Amro Securities Disaster Room Project. (DR Project). - System Technical Support ELW Market.

Citibank Korea - Technical Infrastructure / Project Manager for CCCB

2005.07 ~ 2006.07

- Citibank OS Migration Project PM from Windows 2000 to Windows XP - Company application test & trouble shooting on Windows XP environment. - Communicate with Region at Singapore for trouble shoot each Department. Applications troubleshoot on Windows XP environment. - Citibank amalgamation Hanmi Bank system merge project.

ASML Korea - IT Technical Support Asia / System Analyst

2004.07 ~ 2005.06

- Customer support in ASIA (Taiwan, China, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong and Korea) - Trouble shoots from user laptop, desktop & Application. - Office user includes VIP support too. Escalate problem to Helpdesk in Netherland (1st Line Front office) and follow up if problem unsolved immediately. - Collection of issue from branch of Asian user than make solution get information from mania site or each distribution site fine similar and make own solution. - Installation and maintenance of servers/desktops/printers and networking equipment.- Join to AIM (ASML Infrastructure Modernization) Project. Operation System: Windows NT to Windows XP. Hardware: Compaq to IBM Laptop & Desktop (T41, X40,S50)

Doosoun Comtech Co., Ltd - IT Department Barcode Team/Barcode Technicians

2003.03 ~ 2003.12

- Printing software install to user PC. (Most of Korean clothes company.) - Training user for barcode printer, printing software install on PC. - Maintenance of Barcode printer. (Replacement Equipment)


휴넷 - MBA

2021.01 ~ 2021.05

중앙대학교 - 사진학과

2008.03 ~ 2011.03


문화체육부와 예술경영지원단이 주최한 예비전속작가제 참여하였고, 동영상은 딘체전에 해당하는 작각들을 인터뷰 한 내용입니다


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