Citibank Europe Frontend Developer
#개발자 #UI디자인 #UX디자인 #그로스마인드셋 #문제를해결하는 #소프트웨어엔지니어 #웹디자인 #워라밸 #프론트엔드
경력 ・ 5년 5개월
2022.05 ~ 현재
스킬: React, typescript, javascript, css, Next.js, html5, Redux, Redux Toolkit
• Implemented an AI/ML platform for analyzing transaction documents that uses NLP models to optimize data and enhance analyzed documents with editing and confirmation functions. • Implemented an internal web application that allows internal investors to find potential clients using advanced search filters based on over 20 criteria. The application provides detailed information about matching people, including their interests, background, and experience. It also allows users to view the connected people of the chosen person, enabling them to make more informed decisions about potential clients • Implemented a platform admin panel that manages the application to open secure chat channels between the company and its clients during onboarding • Implemented a proof-of-concept project that implemented a super wallet application capable of providing various features, such as stock checking, buying and selling, real estate property value and relative market analysis, and membership gifting • Implemented an internal job platform web application that allows project owners to post their projects, enabling employees to apply based on their interest in the project, team, and technology stacks being used. This has significantly increased employee retention rates
2019.10 ~ 2022.04
- Created a comprehensive database of ingredients and cosmetic products by automating a custom Python-based scraper to collect and analyze data. - Managed image processing using AWS Cloud (S3) to streamline the data management process. - Successfully reduced meeting times by 50% by introducing an optimized meeting method, leading to more productive discussions.
Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych w Warszawie - Computer Science
2018.10 ~ 2022.02
학점: 4.5/5.0
Politechnika Warszawska - Foundation course
2016.10 ~ 2017.07
개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지
요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리