스마일게이트 프론트엔드 개발
스마일게이트에서 프론트엔드 개발자로 일하고 있습니다.
경력 ・ 5년 6개월
2023.03 ~ 현재
산업 분야: 커뮤니티 / 소셜네트워킹, 플랫폼
스킬: javascript, typescript, Vue.js
Social service platform development. - Social common module & components libraries. - Structural design of service project.
2021.01 ~ 2023.03
스킬: React, Nginx, AWS S3, AWS CloudFront, mongodb, javascript, Express.js, AWS EC2, Node.js, Next.js
> Digital Healthcare Platform - Healthcare Solution, Client Dashboard Web Application Development - Back-office Web Service Development - Korea Univ. College of Medicine, Participation in research projects
2019.05 ~ 2020.12
스킬: Java, javascript, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Spring
> Web GIS Development - Tracking with real-time ship ais receiving data. - Ship past route development in Web GIS. - Ship location distance calculation using coordinate system. - Development of geometric figure drawing tool in web gis. - Development of water depth and geological data synthesis layer on top of ocean map.
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