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UpZen 창업자 대표

컴퓨터 공학 석사 후 삼성전자에서 시작된 커리어가 친구덕에 실리콘밸리로 이어져 지난 30년간 13개의 다양한 스테이지의 회사를 다녔습니다 (창업, 대기업들, 다수의 스타트업들). 11개월 쉬어보기도 했고 엔젤투자, 어드바이저, 컨설팅 등의 역할도 해오고 있습니다.





데이터 분석


경력 ・ 29년 11개월

산호세 주립대학교 - 겸임교수

2024.08 ~ 현재

산업 분야: 교육 / 에듀테크

스킬: 머신 러닝, 데이터 분석

응용 데이터 과학 (Applied Data Science) 과정에서 DATA 226 Data Warehouse and Data Pipelines 과정 강의

UpZen - 창업자 대표

2023.12 ~ 현재

스킬: 리더십, 커뮤니케이션, SQL, python, AWS, 머신 러닝, HR

Mentor at 500 Startups Mentor at SW Maestro LP at K2G Fund (https://www.k2gfund.com/) Angel invested in the following companies: - GoodTime.io (https://www.goodtime.io/) - ChartMetric (https://chartmetric.com/) - Cardon (https://www.cardonformen.com/) - The Miilk (https://www.themiilk.com/) - ... 더 보기

Grepp - Chief Technology Officer (US Office)

2022.04 ~ 2023.11

Grepp USA is a subsidiary of Grepp, Inc out of Seoul, Korea.

Harmonize - Head Of Data

2020.05 ~ 2022.04

Harmonize is a series A stage ($10M) startup building a remote care platform to impact patients at scale. Started as a consultant to build up its data infra from Aug 2019 before switching to a full-time in May 2020

자영업/개인사업 - Independent Consultant

2017.07 ~ 2020.01

Worked for the following companies: - Harmonize Health (San Mateo, CA): joined as a fulltime - Vetted Petcare (Los Angeles, CA) - Airvet (Los Angeles, CA) - Ready, Set, Food (Los Angeles, CA) - Printify (Latvia) - Tulip Cremation (San Francisco, CA) - Skip Scooters (San Francisco, CA) - Jobox.ai (Palo Alto, CA) -... 더 보기

- Senior Director of Data

2014.08 ~ 2018.07

- Built 15+ people data team (engineering and science) from scratch in San Francisco and also managed 15+ discovery engineering team (search/recommendation/api) in Ankara Turkey. - Built Data Warehouse using Redshift, Python, Spark/Hive/Presto and Pinball - Implemented Logging Fr... 더 보기

Polyvore (Acquired By Yahoo) - Senior Engineering Manager

2012.12 ~ 2014.08

- Managed product catalog (crawl/feed) team, search team and data editorial team - Remained hands-on in Search (Solr/SolrCloud) - Evaluated and built data pipeline on top of AWS Redshift using hadoop(EMR)/pig/perl/S3

개인 안식년 - Consultant

2012.01 ~ 2012.12

Providing consulting and training around Big Data (Hadoop) and Search (ElasticSearch and Solr) - My customers included Trulia, WiderPlanet, TapJoy, Samsung Electronics, ... - Trulia went IPO later in the year (2012) - Taught Hadoop programming to 30+ CS professors in Korea. - Wrote a Hadoop prog... 더 보기

Haileo, Inc - VP of Engineering

2011.04 ~ 2011.12

Built Video/Image Ads backend service on top of AWS

Yahoo! - Director of Engineering

2004.02 ~ 2011.04

- Worked on Vertical Intent part of Web search. - Managed teams working on web search result presentation, International markets content coverage, breaking news handling and Local search - Was responsible for various International market web search qualities (focus on Asian markets) - Started as ... 더 보기

Looksmart - Engineering Manager

2003.04 ~ 2004.02

Managed Search run-time team

Inverito - CTO and Co-founder

2002.02 ~ 2003.04

I was one of the co-founders. I designed and implemented a SEC-filing search engine (called EdgarIQ) and also developed a specialized insider-trading information web service called "insiderscoop".

Wisenut (Acquired By Looksmart) - Engineering Manager

2000.06 ~ 2002.02

- Designed and implemented search part of WiseNut search engine. Also worked on the operation/monitoring areas for the search engine. - WiseNut was acquired by Looksmart in April 2002

Samsung Electronics - Software Engineer

1995.02 ~ 2000.06

- Built Document Imaging System on top of MS Windows. - Worked with a number of clients including some big governemt agencies and banking/finance companies


서울대학교 - 컴퓨터 공학 석사

1993.03 ~ 1995.02

- Taught Windows Programming (API and MFC) in 3 different programming schools - Developed a Windows based Hangul Wordprocessor

서울대학교 - 컴퓨터 공학 학사

1989.03 ~ 1993.02

Built BIOS for 386 PC which was a collaboration project with LG Electronics. I was part-timing from from 1990 to 1992


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