Founder @Candid
경력 ・ 8년
2023.04 ~ 현재
산업 분야: HR, 컨설팅
스킬: HR, 커뮤니케이션, 논리적 사고, 글쓰기, 리더십, 프로젝트 매니징, 문제 정의하기, 시간 관리
a Recruiting Partner for Start-ups a Career Partner for Candidates
2020.01 ~ 2023.04
1. Manager (2022.04 ~ 2023.04) I have had consulting-based conversations with over 1,000 current professionals who work at startups or global MNCs, and helped them with job transitions tailored to their individual needs. *2022 highest sales performance team rate 2. Senior Consultant (2021.10 ~ 2022.03) *2021 Consultant of the year 3. Consultant (2021.01 ~ 2021.10) *2020 Milestone of the year 4. Assoicate Consultant (2020.01 ~ 2020.12)
2017.01 ~ 2020.01
Sales analysis, financial support
고려대학교 - 사회학/미디어학
2008.03 ~ 2015.02
개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지
요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리