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시니어 소프트웨어 엔지니어 (프론트엔드)

맥주 프레첼의 나라, 독일 베를린에 거주 중인 프론트엔드 개발자입니다. 글로벌 모바일 마케팅 애널리틱스 플랫폼인 애드저스트에서 대시보드를 만들고 있습니다. 달리기를 통해 더 넓은 세상을 만나고 있습니다. 맞팔 늦어도 이해해주세요^^링크드인 친추 환영^^







경력 ・ 9년 4개월

Adjust GmbH - Senior Software Engineer

2022.06 ~ 현재

1. Senior Software Engineer (2024.01 ~ ) 2. Software Engineer (2022.06 ~ 2023.12) Adjust, an AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) company, is trusted by marketers around the world to measure and grow their apps across platforms, from mobile to CTV and beyond. Adjust works with companies at every stage of th... 더 보기

Taxfix GmbH - Software Engineer

2020.02 ~ 2022.05

Taxfix is a pioneering company at the forefront of transforming the tax filing experience. Through our innovative platform, users can effortlessly and efficiently file their tax returns from any location, utilizing our user-friendly app or browser interface. With a seamless question-and-answer process, us... 더 보기

Singapore Press Holdings (Straits Times) - Web Developer

2019.01 ~ 2020.01

● Developed 15 creative interactive data visualisations with vue.js & d3.js for data-driven storytelling with mobile-first mantra ○ Major data analysis & visualisation works ■ Interactive quiz: Ready to live with AI? ■ The colourful history of Singapore’s street names (Awarded the Bronze medal at Malofie... 더 보기

Rails Girls Summer of Code - Open Source Developer

2018.07 ~ 2018.09

● Improved the user’s configurations of Babel Repl, an open-source JavaScript transcompiler editor, built with React ● Integrated babel-time-travel, a tool for the time-travel interface for babel transformations, into Babel Repl

Connect Foundation - Product Manager

2014.12 ~ 2017.09

● Conducted product launch of a new online course platform edwith.org for web, iOS, and Android, which grew to 20,000 daily active users in the first year ● Executed the platform transition from B2C to B2B, which lead to establishing partnerships with 3 IT companies, including NAVER crop, and 5 leading un... 더 보기

개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리