프로필 이미지


인터베스트 이사

벤처캐피털에서 투자 심사를 하고 있습니다. 세상이 변해가는 모습과 이를 대하는 다양한 삶의 태도에 관심이 많습니다. 건강하고 행복한 삶을 추구합니다. #Ai


머신 러닝

경력 ・ 13년

인터베스트 - 이사

2016.02 ~ 현재

InterVest is one of the biggest venture capitals in Korea. Our investment focuses on high-tech, high-growth companies in mobile, IT and healthcare sectors. - Board member of Rainist(No. 1 personal wealth management service in Korea) - Board member of Blocko(No. 1 Blockchain as a Service company in Korea) - Board member of Kmong(No. 1 freelancer match-up service in Korea) - Investment Portfolio(selective): SuaLab(AI machine vision, M&A), Alchera(AI face recognition, IPO),

AT Kearney - 컨설턴트

2012.03 ~ 2015.06

Established a long-term corporate new business strategy for a major Holding company in Korea - Evaluated local and global hospitality business model and developed market entry strategies • Conducted new business projects for a leading retail bank in Korea - Identified key opportunities of non-interest income by analyzing market conditions • Developed a transformation strategy of Enterprise Next-generation Marketing Platform for a leading Telecommunication company

- Assistant Project Manager

2010.08 ~ 2011.02

Internet Explorer 9: Adoption and Readiness to Korean market in Windows Planning & PC Ecosystems Korea

Dong-A Business Review (DBR) - Internship

2010.06 ~ 2010.08

Boston Consulting Group - 컨설턴트


고려대학교 - 경영대학

2004.03 ~ 2011.02

동아리와 학회: President of SIFE(Students In Free Enterprise): Jul 10~Feb 11


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리