모든 ui가 WCAG의 4.5:1 색 대비 기준을 통과해야 할까?

WCAG(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)에서는 어떤 텍스트에서 최소한 어떤 색 대비값을 가져야 하는지 안내한다. 그런데 숫자로 표현되는 색 대비율 뿐만 아니라 더 고려해야 할 것이 있다. - 평균의 시력을 가진 사용자와 색맹인 사용자는 대비가 더 낮더라도 검은 글씨보다 하얀 글씨를 잘 읽는다. (출처는 나와 있지 않음) - 색 뿐만 아니라 폰트의 굵기와 크기도 함께 고려해야 한다. - 비활성화 상태를 표현하기 위해서는 색 대비율이 충분히 낮아야 한다.

Marina Budarina * UI UX design on Instagram: "[Read a caption ⤵️] 📍 Accessibility is a huge topic. For beginners, I recommend following WCAG 2 guidelines to make a product more accessible. 📌 But don't follow those standards dogmatically; use them to guide your design decisions, not dictate them. 🙌 Accessibility should always be a priority when designing for users. But there are a lot of misconceptions that are not caused by the WCAG guidelines, but by people who misinterpret and misuse the guidelines. ✅ So be careful, and keep in mind visual simplicity and aesthetics, while balancing them with accessibility. 📍 This is an excerpt from my upcoming eBook - "UI Design Systems Mastery" 🔥 It's on sale - link in bio. #productdesigner #uidesign #designbook #uidesigners #uicolors #designsystem #learnui #learnuiux #freebooks #uidesigner #productdesigns #accessibility #accessibilityforall #accessibilitymatters #uibutton #button #buttons #contrastratio #colorcontrast #colorcontrast"


Marina Budarina * UI UX design on Instagram: "[Read a caption ⤵️] 📍 Accessibility is a huge topic. For beginners, I recommend following WCAG 2 guidelines to make a product more accessible. 📌 But don't follow those standards dogmatically; use them to guide your design decisions, not dictate them. 🙌 Accessibility should always be a priority when designing for users. But there are a lot of misconceptions that are not caused by the WCAG guidelines, but by people who misinterpret and misuse the guidelines. ✅ So be careful, and keep in mind visual simplicity and aesthetics, while balancing them with accessibility. 📍 This is an excerpt from my upcoming eBook - "UI Design Systems Mastery" 🔥 It's on sale - link in bio. #productdesigner #uidesign #designbook #uidesigners #uicolors #designsystem #learnui #learnuiux #freebooks #uidesigner #productdesigns #accessibility #accessibilityforall #accessibilitymatters #uibutton #button #buttons #contrastratio #colorcontrast #colorcontrast"

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2023년 1월 5일 오후 2:56

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