프로필 이미지


AI Scientist & 추천기술팀 Team Leader

Data Scientist이자 Machine Learning Engineer로 과학과 공학으로 세상을 바라보고 있습니다. 현실의 다양한 문제들을 Data로 바라보고, AI 기술로 해결하는데 재미를 느낍니다.


Project Management

데이터 분석


머신 러닝



경력 ・ 13년 1개월

- Team Leader

2023.06 ~ 현재

AI/Data Science 그룹 추천기술팀 팀장 - 컨텐츠 추천 : IPTV, 모바일 TV, 아이들나라 추천 - 상품 추천 : 멤버스 추천, 유독 추천 - 추천 플랫폼 운영 및 고도화

- Team Leader

2022.03 ~ 2023.06

Team Leader of HyperLocal Personalization - "Recommendation AI Modeling on HyperLocal level" - Team : Commerce AI / Local / AirSPACE / HyperLocal Personalization Project - POI/User/UGC Personalized Recommendation (Graph Deep Learning Model) - UGC Trend Recommendation (Multimodal Deep L... 더 보기

- Machine Learning Engineer

2017.09 ~ 2022.05

Machine Learning Engineer of AirSPACE - "Research and develop recommendation algorithms and systems" - Team : Search / Local AI / AirSPACE Project - POI(Point Of Interest) personalized recommendation (Contents based recommendation, Deep Learning based recommendation) - User Modeling (Stati... 더 보기

Tmaxdata - Junior Engineer

2014.10 ~ 2017.08

Database Engineer / System software Engineer Part : Parser(Server side) / Text Index(Server side) * Maintain Parser module and add new feature * Design and develop Query converter * Add new feature to Catalog index * Design and develop Context index * Guid the usage of Query

NAEK YEHS - President

2012.12 ~ 2014.01

NAEK YEHS was founded by engineers from diverse universities to promote the exchange between the engineering students in various majors and to construct the long-term national scale network of engineers. It is sponsored by NAEK(National Academy fo Engineering KOREA). YEHS selects the mem... 더 보기

BonAngels Venture Partners - Intern

2010.12 ~ 2011.05

* Researching application market of Android OS * Supporting MAD camp * Researching about web game and other markets related with Bon Angels * Researching the trend of start-up market

ENP (Entrepreneurs’ Network of POSTECH) - President

2010.01 ~ 2010.12

* Organizing the regular sessions and registering ENP to school officially * Suggesting new paradigm of ENP and making it to grow up - Learned essentials for business, marketing and financial strategy from case studies & discussions - Invited lecturer such as venture CEO to POSTECH and preparing seminars ... 더 보기


서울대학교 - 산업공학과 석사

2012.09 ~ 2014.08

Industrial Engineering / Data Mining Lab (Prof. Sungzoon Cho) Research Industry : Data mining, Text mining, Topic Extraction Thesis : Federal open market committee member’s monetary policy analysis by text mining with dual mandate concept

포항공과대학교 - 산업경영공학과 학사

2008.03 ~ 2012.08


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리