프로필 이미지


번개장터 피플실장

개발 3년, HR 11년 의 경험을 가진 인사 담당자 입니다. 다양한 스테이지의 기업에서 채용(영입), 인사 기획, 평가/보상, 조직, 퇴직, 인사 리포팅, 프로세스 자동화, 분석 업무를 주로 수행하고 있으며 현재는 HR 전체를 총괄하는 역할을 하고 있습니다







경력 ・ 12년 11개월

- Head of People Division

2023.08 ~ 현재

스킬: HR

피플실장, 인사관련 업무 총괄

- People Team Lead

2021.08 ~ 2023.08

HR업무 총괄 Data driven HR을 위해 노력중 HR제도 기획, 평가/보상, 노무, HR업무자동화, HR시스템, 기업문화, 일하는 방식 구축 중

- Senior Human Resources Manager

2020.08 ~ 2021.08

Recruiting Strategy Planning & HR Operation, HR Planning

- People Manager(Recruitment Lead)

2018.02 ~ 2020.08

Planning and operation of developer open recruitment - Blind open recruitment for junior developers - Regular & Open recruitment of senior developers - Planning and operation of all process including resume, on/off coding tests, interviews Planning and operation of activities for securing of excellence talent - Kakao code festival(algorithm competition) - Campus, conference and global recruiting - Kakao I research supporting program (https://careers.kakao.com/ai?cat=kakao-i) - Internship and Industry-University Collaboration program - AI recruiting TF( AI conference, MOU, collaboration planning and operation) - Set up inhouse direct sourcing process HR Analysis and planning - Effectiveness analysis of hiring process - Renewal welfare system project based on data - Development of HR Dashboard and Report - welfare system renewal - Performance assessment & process of growth stage assessment

SK - HR Manager

2013.12 ~ 2018.02

Roles of Recruitment Manager Developing and operating end to end recruitment process - Identify hiring needs and review recruitment requests - Developing and implementing a recruit strategy - Review resumes and qualifying condition of candidates - Operating and managing interview processes - Negotiating labor deals with candidates and preparing for new employees Developing and Operating diverse attraction channels and talent pipelines for recruitments - Introducing and Operating direct target sourcing channels (Linkedin, Facebook, SearchFirm, IT communities, Employee Referral and so on) - Target sourcing fields: AI, Cloud, BigData, Smart Factory, BMS, SDET, UI/UX and so on - Operating basic attraction channels (skcareers, Jobkorea, Saramin, website for recruitments) Open sourcing fields: System Integration and Operation - Be awarded in New ICT excellent talent acquisition and development of sourcing channels (2016, by Corporate culture executive director of SK)

SK - Software Developer

2011.07 ~ 2013.12

TworldDirect enhancement and smart offering (2013.5 ~ 2013.12) - tools: Java, Javascript, JQuery, AJAX, HTML, NEXCORE, Xplatform, SQL - Tworlddirect (SKT mobile shopping mall) Web system development SKTL Integrated Billing System Establishment (2012.12 ~ 2013.4) - tools: Java, ORACLE, NEXCORE Framework, Miplatform, SQL - Development of number portability system for SK Telink MOVIOS system development for SKT MVNO (2011.12 ~ 2012.12) - tools: JAVA, ORACLE, NEXCORE Framework, Miplatform, SQL - Development of CDS Interface of SKT MVNO System Managing and communicating with foreign S/W Engineer in English


중앙대학교 - Business Administration Bachelor's degree

2005.01 ~ 2011.01


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

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