Amazon 소프트웨어 엔지니어
경력 ・ 3년 6개월
2024.01 ~ 현재
스킬: AWS Lambda, javascript, Java, typescript, GraphQL, Node.js, React, AWS, 커뮤니케이션
Amazon PXT
2023.08 ~ 2024.01
스킬: 커뮤니케이션, python, C++
Alexa Devices - Echo Smart Speakers
2023.02 ~ 2023.07
스킬: javascript, Webpack, typescript, GraphQL, Tailwind CSS, Firebase, Node.js, React, 커뮤니케이션, Google Cloud Platform
Web Dev @ - Solving problems by digitalizing Dental Crown market
2022.05 ~ 2022.08
스킬: Linux, 커뮤니케이션, python
Alexa Devices • Automated analyzing memory utilization of an embedded process for Alexa Devices that detects the code causing the highest memory utilization to optimize the memory usage. • Achieved 29% reduction from the original memory utilization by discovering the root cause of the main contributors. • Implemented a memory capture tool using Python that conveniently integrates Procfs, GDB, and Valgrind to collect memory data. • Designed the Python tool to be easily extendable for any process that runs on the same Unix OS.
2022.01 ~ 2022.05
스킬: MySQL, 커뮤니케이션
CS4400, “Intro Database Systems” – SQL, DBMS • Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Relational Schema, Queries, Integrity Constraints
2018.07 ~ 2018.08
스킬: iOS
• Developed a macOS podcast app based on a web application using Swift, Cocoa API, and WebKit, including Touch Bar functionality. • Integrated a web app with an existing native macOS app by providing continuity of playback features across the two implementations of the applications to create a consistent user experience. • Compiled a list of feature disparities between macOS and iOS to guide the iOS team in implementing key app functionalities.
2017.05 ~ 2017.08
Interactive Genetic Algorithm Development • Developed a chord progression suggesting system in Java that utilizes genetic algorithms to generate a set of chords based on user input and music theory. • Built the application backend that allows users unfamiliar with music theory to create more natural chord progressions in music composition by assisting users in choosing the next chord in a progression.
2017.01 ~ 2017.05
EarSketch Research • Developed an online education system for K-12 students to learn code by making music. • Created curriculum combining music composition with computer science concepts such as loops and data structures in Python; now used by schools in 100+ countries with more than 675K users.
Georgia Institute of Technology - Computer Science
2016.08 ~ 2022.12
CS Threads (Concentrations): Intelligence (AI), Info-Internetworks Minor in Music Technology Military Service between 2018-2020
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