프로필 이미지


lg dx data school DX Data


데이터 분석





경력 ・ 1년 5개월

- Marketing Science Partner

2024.06 ~ 현재

산업 분야: 광고 / 마케팅, 컨설팅, AI

Neuro Sense - Data Scientist Intern

2023.03 ~ 2023.06

스킬: Docker, 데이터 분석

- performed pre-processing and EDA on signal data - tracked and recorded ML model hyper-parameters and performance of each training and test while deploying and serving the model using MLflow and Docker - built simple RNN (LSTM, GRU) models using signal data and performed hyper-parameter tuning to diagnose sensor performance - wrote EDA and model performance report on Notion

CARIAD - Deep Learning Intern

2021.06 ~ 2021.08

스킬: TensorFlow, 딥러닝, 머신 러닝, python

Deep Learning - Image base Perception department • built Deep Learning CNN model for traffic light classification using Tensorflow library from data pre-processing to model training • analysed and visualised trained data using Python libraries and reported the results on weekly meetings • took company’s IBP team seminar and FastAI deep learning for coders course and got understanding of actual application of DL algorithms in actual business case

NeuroSense - Test and inspection Intern

2020.06 ~ 2020.07

• tested and inspected temperature and humidity sensor • researched and reported on Bluetooth communication using Georgia-tech’s BLE dongle


lg dx data school - DX Data

2023.06 ~ 2023.12

Jacobs University Bremen - Computer Programming/Programmer, General Bachelor's degree

2019.07 ~ 2022.06

Bachelor of Science - Intelligent Mobile System major - merit-based scholarship for 3 years


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