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NAVER 백엔드 개발자

🧑🏻‍💻 5명 창업 동아리에서 사라져버린 50명 스타트업, 그리고 성장하는 500명 중견 IT 스타트업과 5,000명에 육박하는 IT 대기업까지... 어쩌다보니 다양한 경험을 하게된 흔한 IT 백엔드 개발자입니다.




Project Management



경력 ・ 8년 8개월

- 라이브커머스 백엔드 개발자

2021.03 ~ 현재

Shopping Live (쇼핑라이브) Platform Backend Development

- 백엔드 개발자

2018.03 ~ 2021.03

Yanolja R&D Group, CXT (Customer Experience Tech) Team in CX Unit. Back-end Developer Yanolja is an O2O company that provides accommodation, leisure and entertainment reservation services in Korea. More Information @see https://resume.yowu.dev

플레이팅 - 소프트웨어 엔지니어

2016.10 ~ 2017.11

Plating is an advanced food delivery service. We manage everything from cooking, logistics, development and delivery to ourselves. Our service is available for Android and iPhone apps. I have been working for the Plating since October 2016, and I am currently doing the following. - Plating services designed for IT services - Building an infrastructure for Amazon Web Services - Relational Database Administrator - Node.js Back-end Development - Some React.js App Development - Some Project Management.

이큐브랩 - 서버 개발자

2015.07 ~ 2016.02

Ecube Labs is an eco-friendly company that develops IoT Smart Cube (Clean Cube) and Sensor (Clean Cap). I have developed Clean City Networks, a software solution that collects and visualizes data from Clean Cubes and Clean Caps. I worked at Ecube Labs from July 2015 to February 2016, and I did the following: - Maintenance of the beta version of Clean City Network (PHP, CodeIgniter, MySQL) - Agile development process introduced - System Engineering (DevOps) - Migrate legacy server environment to AWS environment - Participated in development of Clean City Networks 1.0 (Node.js, AWS, MySQL) - Linux server engineering and server monitoring script development using Shell

KYNY - 서버 개발자

2014.09 ~ 2015.03

KYNY is a founding club founded at the time of Catholic University. Funny that KYNY brought in the first initials of the founder's name. (Kim, Yu, Nam, Yang) We developed a 'Sports Game Odds Prediction Service' with our own algorithm, and we also created a facility reservation system for Catholic University. Unfortunately, KYNY eventually disbanded for a variety of reasons, but the development experience at that time was really valuable. KYNY survived from July 2014 to March 2015, and I had the following responsibilities at KYNY: - Service planning and development participation - Backend development using PHP or JSP - Linux server engineering - MySQL database manager - Front-end development using Bootstrap


가톨릭대학교 - 컴퓨터공학 학사


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