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뉴스에 휘둘리다가도
오히려 침착해지고 묵묵하게
공부하고 싶은? 생각도 들게 마련이다.
오늘 아침에도 문득 재무 교과서!를 뒤적거리게 됨.
아래는 링크드인 타임라인에서 가져온
투자 및 재무 책 목록.
The best hardcore investing & finance books:
(with links)
“Distressed Debt Analysis” (Moyer) https://buff.ly/3lmtk7O
“The Snowball” (Warren Buffett) https://buff.ly/3JXDZzf
“Competitive Strategy” (Porter) https://buff.ly/3LEoD3D
“The Alchemy of Finance” (Soros) https://buff.ly/3LEF8g9
“Outsiders” (CEO value accretion) https://buff.ly/2HS9ElL
“Fooling Some of…” (Einhorn) https://buff.ly/3LEfY1p
“The Vulture Investors” https://buff.ly/3LE7FSX
“The Most Important Thing” (Marks) https://buff.ly/3JXDZiJ
“Damn Right” (Charlie Munger) https://buff.ly/3LArfzL
“Fatal Risk” (AIG history & downfall) https://buff.ly/3LMqOlI
“Investment Valuation” (Damodaran) https://buff.ly/3LBdqB5
“House of Cards” (Bear Stearns) https://buff.ly/3LEH3S4
“Red Notice” (Bill Browder) https://buff.ly/3lmta0c
“Margin of Safety” (Seth Klarman) https://buff.ly/3LArc73
“Stock Market Genius” (Greenblatt) https://buff.ly/3LEfMPJ
“One Up on Wall Street” (Lynch) https://buff.ly/3LAGNTV
“Principles” (Ray Dalio) https://buff.ly/3LzCfNL
“King of Capital” (Blackstone) https://buff.ly/3LG4BWC
“More Money Than God” (HF history) https://buff.ly/3LFqsh0
“Barbarians at the Gate” https://buff.ly/404LMR9
“The Big Short” https://buff.ly/3LDHtYE
“When Genius Failed” (LTCM) https://buff.ly/402o5sT
“The House of Morgan” (JPM) https://buff.ly/3LzCnwJ
“Too Big to Fail” (Sorkin) https://buff.ly/3ZUMuk1
“The Smartest Guys…” (Enron) https://buff.ly/400XI6w
“King of Oil” (Marc Rich / Glencore) https://buff.ly/3LAa29y
“Hedge Fund Mkt Wizrds” (Schwager) https://buff.ly/3lnHvcN