네이버 개발자
경력 ・ 10년 11개월
2020.07 ~ 2021.09
Support AWS Customers by helping their technical problem to resolve, especially in deployment and container related services.
2018.04 ~ 2020.07
Clova AI Department I built several API servers using Golang including Naver's TTS(Text-To-Speech) system which handles large network traffic. I optimized and set up build, deployment, and test environments of clova's many components. Launched AI based web service called 'Clova Dubbing' which easily adds synthesized speeches to user’s video. Designed a system that uploads, serves, and transcodes large sized multi-media in real-time. And constructed automatic test chaining which provides a test environment for each pull-request making use of Jenkins, Github webhook, and Kubernetes.
성균관대학교 - computer science Bachelor's degree
2007.01 ~ 2013.01
개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지
요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리