프로필 이미지


컨텐츠 프로듀서


데이터 분석


프로젝트 매니징


경력 ・ 10년 11개월

- Content Producer

2019.02 ~ 현재

스킬: 프로젝트 매니징, 커뮤니케이션, 마케팅

The App Store producer is the lead communicator between the local and global cross-functional teams to successfully create and deliver the in-house-made contents to the App Store and keep its top priorities in gaining market growth, value, and awareness.

- Content Manager

2017.04 ~ 2019.02

스킬: 프로젝트 매니징, 데이터 분석, 커뮤니케이션, 마케팅

VLIVE (referred to as V App) was a live video streaming service that was launched by Naver Corporation that allowed celebrities based in the country to broadcast live videos. On VLIVE, I was the video producer to create the derivative works of the films, series, actors, and actresses, such as director's cuts, behind-the-scenes interviews, production worker interviews, etc. In between, the content producer takes the lead in communication with the cross-functional teams (design, legal, business affairs, finance, etc.) as well as the key local and global partners in the film studios (CJ Entertainment, NEW, Disney), cinemas (CGV, Mega Box), and casting agencies.

- Marketing Assistant

2014.10 ~ 2017.03

스킬: 데이터 분석, 마케팅, 프로젝트 매니징

LINE WEBTOON was launched by Naver Corporation in July 2014. I was the intern in the marketing organization from August and turned to the full-time position from November. At first, I focused on the United States, but as the services launched in Indonesia, I took a hybrid approach for both markets to plan and create marketing actions for increasing service awareness and direct engagements.

- Marketing Internship

2014.08 ~ 2014.10

EY - Quality Assurance Intern

2013.08 ~ 2014.04

Ipsos - Marketing Research Intern

2012.08 ~ 2012.11


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리