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키노라이츠 소프트웨어 엔지니어

#개발자 #UX디자인 #데이터분석


UX 디자인

데이터 분석

경력 ・ 6년 4개월

- 소프트웨어 엔지니어

2022.02 ~ 현재

Developed back-end of Kinolights. - Built a notification server to control both notification center and push notifications such as FCM. - Built a community server to provide Twitter-like features such as posting, commenting, responding, tagging and searching. 📚 JS, TS, RxJS, NestJS, TypeORM, GraphQL w/ federation, Elasticsearch, Redis ☁ AWS - Fargate, ECS, Aurora, S3, Route53, MQ, MSK, OpenSearch, SNS, SMS, SQS, WAF, CloudFront

- 소프트웨어 엔지니어

2021.07 ~ 2022.02

Built stable and scalable STT(Speech-To-Text) pipeline. - Constructed HA(High Availability) with several k8s clusters that are in-house Airflow and Composer. 📚 Python, Airflow, Microk8s, NVIDIA Triton ☁ GCP - Composer, Kubernetes, GKE Built a real-time STT architect 📚 Java, RxJava, Spring boot, Kafka stream, Redis, Vosk, Kaldi Developed back-end of Daglo that is B2C/B2B/B2G service providing STT - Built a search engine for transcripts and TF-IDF with Elasticsearch Korean analyzer called Nori

- 소프트웨어 엔지니어

2019.06 ~ 2021.07

Developed back-end of LINE messenger. - Optimized the performance of ES get/search queries by tuning the cluster and the queries. - Implemented business logics for features such as read-only chatroom and adult-only chatroom. - Developed a Content Management System (CMS) for back office. 📚 Java, RxJava, Spring, MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, HBase, Kafka, Zookeeper, Armeria, Central Dogma, Retrofit, Thrift, Protobuf Developed CI/CD and automation. - Built automated batch, monitoring and E2E test

코인플러그 - 소프트웨어 엔지니어

2017.10 ~ 2019.01

Improved the performance of back-end of cryptocurrency exchange - Throughput for bidding API was increased 200 times by resolving single-threaded task 📚Spring Built Ethereum proxy as delegator of transactions 📚Go, Ethereum Built decentralized appications (DApp) interacting smart contract through web3 📚 Solidity, IPFS, ReactJS Built API clients for trading and monitoring the tendency Researched blockchain technologies and security issues on all sides such as platform, smart contract, GDPR


서울대학교 대학원 - 실시간시스템

2013.02 ~ 2017.09


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리