프로필 이미지


Solutions Architect @ AWS

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머신 러닝




Embedded System

경력 ・ 12년 2개월

- Solutions Architect

2022.02 ~ 현재

▪ Solutions Architect at World Wide Public Sector ▪ Helps customers use AI/ML technology on AWS

Remake Digital - CTO

2019.11 ~ 2022.02

▪ Digital marketing and AdTech startup funded by Kakao ventures, Fast Investment and SNOW Corp. ▪ As a CTO and the first engineer of the company, I created service named Crolo (crolo.io) and Databrush (databrush.io), which designs creatives for advertisements automatically. Focused on Engine part, which generates image banner based on lots of algorithms like Engineering, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and so on. ▪ I do research and develop, as well as hiring and leading R&D team. Also created development culture and entire dev process. ▪ Left the company after acquisition.

- Research Engineer

2016.02 ~ 2019.11

▪ As a research engineer, I researched about Natural Language Processing, especially Dialogue System which used for CLOVA AI speaker. Focused on Dialogue Management and Language Generation module. Widely used in Korea and Japan. ▪ Also I developed a Video Analysis system using various algorithms like video object detection with tracking, video action recognition, video classification, captioning, STT and lots of mixed NLP and CV techniques. One of system (Homerun detection for KBO) is released to real service and was very successful.

Selvas AI - Research Engineer

2014.01 ~ 2016.02

▪ As a research engineer, researched about Handwritten Character Recognition, Handwritten Math Equation Recognition and OCR. ▪ Most of the system based on LSTM and CNN, also used lots of classical machine learning algorithms like Random Forest and SVM. I improved the performance of engine a lot, and system is widely used by many companies.

NextVerb - Software Engineer

2011.11 ~ 2013.02

▪ Social-based place recommendation service, angel funded startup. ▪ Joined as a co-founder. Experienced about various tasks for Startup like funding, investment, conference presentation / pitching, organizing team and so on. ▪ I created Android application called allTomto. It recommends places based on Facebook data and Google maps location information. We used many social features, collaborative filtering algorithm and clustering POIs to get a good recommendation performance.


광주과학기술원 - 컴퓨터과학 석사

2011.01 ~ 2014.01

Data mining Lab.

서울과학기술대학교 - 전자공학과, 정보통신융합공학과 학사

2007.01 ~ 2011.01


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리