face recognition 기술이 성숙하면서 일상에 깊숙히 침투하는 모양입니다. 특히 중국에서요. 물론 중국에서도 social benefit과 privacy의 균형을 맞춰야 한다는 시각이 존재합니다만 글쎄요.. “Artificial intelligence (AI) has now crept into every corner of study and life among a new generation of students,” said CCIDNet, which is under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. That would include face scan enrolment, a guided campus tour by robots and use of big data analysis software to help students choose their college major.

First day at university in China now means a face scan to enrol

South China Morning Post

First day at university in China now means a face scan to enrol

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2019년 8월 22일 오후 1:11

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