프로필 이미지


라프텔 Product Owner

스타트업의 데이터 PM으로서 데이터를 통한 소통과 협업의 문화를 고민합니다. 기업과 사회의 긍정적 관계 맺기에 관심이 많으며, 업무적으로 좋아하는 분야는 맨땅에 헤딩하기와 안해본 일 하기입니다.



Product Management




경력 ・ 12년

라프텔 - Product Owner

2023.10 ~ 현재

2022.04 ~ 2023.05

- Spearheaded the AI-driven overhaul of the image search engine, boosting daily usage from 20,000 to 120,000 and achieving a high CTR of over 7%. - Orchestrated a new data taxonomy, resulting in streamlined feature planning and stakeholder alignment.

- Senior Product Manager

2021.09 ~ 2022.03

- Designed and implemented business dashboards using Redash, enhancing data-driven decision-making across departments. - Developed summary tables in AWS Athena, optimizing data accessibility and utilization.

- Product Manager

2019.08 ~ 2021.08

- Engineered a comprehensive data pipeline using AWS and PySpark as the sole data team member. - Visualized financial and product KPIs using Looker, influencing strategic adjustments. - Conducted in-depth user voice analysis by integrating sales logs, email surveys, and user behavior data. - Managed the 'Leave Management' feature, successfully launching several key functionalities tailored for South Asian SMEs.

- Data Analyst

2019.03 ~ 2019.08

- Established a robust analytics environment by integrating Amplitude and Google Tag Manager. - Pioneered an A/B testing framework using Google Optimize, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making.

- Product Manager

2018.07 ~ 2019.05

- Led the global launch of a job match-up service, expanding its reach to Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong. - Improved candidate search, and profile management parts of match-up service

- Product Manager

2016.12 ~ 2018.06

- Devised UI/UX for a P2P loan product, enhancing user engagement. - Orchestrated loan-related backend systems for internal stakeholders. - Utilized SQL and R to generate insights for business decisions.

- Service Manager

2013.01 ~ 2016.12

- Curated and produced game-related content, including web-based cartoons, articles, and memes. - Collaborated with LINE Corp to design a global SNS for gamers, from basic UI to service features.- Advocated for Corporate Social Responsibility as a board member of N'gels. - Managed Naver Appstore, curating apps and producing advertising campaigns that resonated with both customers and developers. - As Main Page Editor, curated UGC, news, and magazine articles, maintaining the service's position as the most popular web service in Korea.

2012.06 ~ 2012.08

- Managed daily operations for Daum's Real Estate Information Team. - Served as Project Manager for the 2012 Daum Summer Internship Team Project, focusing on strategic and UI planning. Led the team to first place in all evaluation categories.

연세대학교 - Student Reporter

2012.03 ~ 2012.08

- Authored webzine articles that delved into the major challenges facing the younger generation. Targeted academic researchers in the humanities and social sciences.

Haja production school - Intern

2006.05 ~ 2006.07

- Coordinated and operated a mentoring program for students at Haja Production School, a leading alternative educational institution in South Korea.


연세대학교 - 사회학과 학사

2006.01 ~ 2012.01

Wrote a book, Planned and operated a Indie Animation Festival, Made a documentary film, Volunteer works on local health care Co-Op, Performed ethnographic field works on East Asian countries(China, Japan)


개발 트렌드부터 Q&A, 네트워킹까지

요즘 개발자들의 필수 커뮤니티, 커리어리