NAVER Z ios 개발자
#iOS개발자 #독서 #미라클모닝
경력 ・ 8년 7개월
2016.12 ~ 2019.07
• Made some camera filters in iOS application SNOW using OpenGL. Developed some shader codes in OpenGL. Test camera filter using ARKit. • Developed iOS application 7Colors(ex-PABLO), which is square box-based coloring app. - Business Logic Coloring logic. Coloring particles and BGM. Dynamic missions, coloring tool, backup and restore logics.
연세대학교 - Electrical & Electronic Engineering Bachelor's degree
Studied basics of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Studied something especially related to signal processing and computer science.
연세대학교 - Image Processing Master's degree
Studied Image Processing and pattern recognition in HDSP(High dimensional signal processing) lab. Focused on feature selection studies using several classification methods. Developed image viewer to show image-processed pictures using MFC(C++).
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