복붙 엔지니어의 등장


원문 작성자는 2024년 코드 작성을 멈추고 생성AI가 제공하는 코드만 복붙했다고 하네요.

그러면서 10가지 팁을 남겼습니다. 그중 5번 팁이 인상깊었습니다.

작업을 사람에게 설명하는것처럼 프롬프트를 작성하는데 시간을 보내라고 하네요.

조금더 이 작업을 쉽게하려면 생성AI가 도구가 아니라 공동작업자로 생각해야겠네요.

Hint 5: Use clear and specific prompts. The more precise and detailed your request, the better the AI can understand and generate the code you need. Include details about the desired functionality: input/output type, error handling, UI behaviour etc. Spend time on writing a good prompt like if you were spending time explaining your task to a human.

Alexander Isora 👽 on X: "I stopped writing code entirely in 2024. I only copy-paste code generated by AI ✌️🤓 How do I do that? 10 hints: Hint 1: if you have a creative task such as code architecture, you want to use so called chain of thoughts. You add "Think step-by-step" to your prompt and enjoy a https://t.co/cVTTGBKFWs" / X

X (formerly Twitter)

Alexander Isora 👽 on X: "I stopped writing code entirely in 2024.

I only copy-paste code generated by AI ✌️🤓

How do I do that? 10 hints:

Hint 1: if you have a creative task such as code architecture, you want to use so called chain of thoughts. You add "Think step-by-step" to your prompt and enjoy a https://t.co/cVTTGBKFWs" / X

다음 내용이 궁금하다면?


이미 회원이신가요?

2024년 8월 7일 오전 2:49


저장 48조회 5,380

댓글 0