Hype Cycle For Blockchain 2021 '블록체인 트렌드 2022-2023' 개정판을 내면서 하이프 사이클을 다시 찾아봤다. 암호화폐는 하이프를 지나 환멸을 거쳐 이제 계몽의 단계이고, 현재 가장 많은 기대 정점에 있는 것은 NFT. 몽글몽글 올라오고 있는 초기에는 CeDeFi. Key adoption drivers - Mainstream adoption of Bitcoin, including El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in June 2021. Payment network, banking and social network adoption of distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) for money movement, with the expected deployment of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) being a key influencer. - Decentralized finance (DeFi) applications offer substantially greater financial rewards than traditional finance. Centralized firms like hedge funds already take advantage of this. - Tokenization of assets, including explosive growth of NFTs and DeFi tokens, and the promise of tokens linked to physical assets in the future. - Blockchains such as Binance, Cardano, and Solana offering viable cost-effective alternatives to Ethereum chain transactions. Monumental progress in blockchain interoperability, including gateways and abstraction middleware, already used today by DeFi applications. - Blockchain migration from the proof-of-work (POW) consensus method (still used for Bitcoin) to more energy-efficient consensus methods such as proof of stake (PoS). The ongoing upgrade of Ethereum leads this trend. https://blogs.gartner.com/avivah-litan/2021/07/14/hype-cycle-for-blockchain-2021-more-action-than-hype/

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