1/ It’s a sunk cost. If your investment doesn’t pan out, you don’t have physical assets like machinery that you can sell off to recoup some of your money.
매몰 비용이다. 투자가 제대로 이뤄지지 않으면 회수할 수 있는 금액이 매우 적다.
2/ It tends to create spillovers that can be taken advantage of by rival companies. Uber’s biggest strength is its network of drivers, but it’s not uncommon to meet an Uber driver who also picks up rides for Lyft.
패스트 팔로워를 만들기 쉽다.
3/ It’s more scalable than a physical asset. After the initial expense of the first unit, products can be replicated ad infinitum for next to nothing.
물리적 자산보다 확장성이 뛰어나다.
4/ It’s more likely to have valuable synergies with other intangible assets. Haskel and Westlake use the iPod as an example: it combined Apple’s MP3 protocol, miniaturized hard disk design, design skills, and licensing agreements with record labels.
다른 무형 자산과 시너지 창출 가능성이 높다.
이번 주 뉴스레터 What I read this week 7에 적은 내용 중 일부입니다 :)