Seed, pre A, series A, 심지어 pre-seed까지 펀드레이징의 라운드 개념이 지나치게 인위적이라는 생각을 하곤 했는데, 이 점에 대해 좋은 관점을 주는 글.  특히 초기 창업자는 염두에 둘 만한 이야기다. === Seed isn’t a round, it’s a period of time where you are starting, learning and iterating to a business that has proven its core value proposition and raises a Series A to begin scaling. Founders benefit from having a financing partner who will write more than one check into the seed phase when necessary or desired

For Fundraising, Seed is No Longer a Round, It’s a Phase


For Fundraising, Seed is No Longer a Round, It’s a Phase

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2019년 8월 13일 오후 9:48

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