"the Apple CEO announced that Apple has now sourced over 20 million face masks via its supply chain around the world. But Apple isn’t stopping there. Cook also announced that the company, known for the sleek industrial design of its smartphones and computers, has turned its design know-how and engineering and operations expertise to creating and manufacturing a face shield that health professionals can use on the front line."
드디어 애플이 팔을 걷어붙였다. 자사의 공급망을 활용해 2000만개의 마스크를 생산했다. 애플의 초일류 디자이너, 엔지니어, 패키지 운영팀이 의료 종사자들을 위한 안면보호대를 디자인하고, 생산하고, 배송하는 일에 착수했다.